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Sacred Intimacy

An extraordinary couple's excursion to deepen your intimate connection with your partner. 





Therapeutic Intimacy



3 Hours - $400 


A Deep

Healing Journey



Gentle Connected Breathing

Soothing Sensual Undressing


Couple's Sex & Intimacy Coaching

Intimate Bonding & Connecting







Relaxing Therapeutic Massage

Liberating Erotic Bodywork

Couple's Erotic Healing Therapy






This experience is for couples who are looking for a shared sacred space to nourish their relationship & to cultivate new tools for connection and intimacy.



How Can I Help?​​


Sex and Intimacy Concerns?

Daily Life Getting In The Way?

Looking for New Ways to Connect?






Potential Benefits 


As we address a concern or issue it has the potential to result in a multitude of transformative ways including: 



Greater Intimacy & Satisfaction

Enhanced Sensual Living

Improved Harmony

and much more...





Ask Yourselves


What concerns or issues do we have?

​What do we want to improve upon?​​

​What do we hope to take away?

​How may this shape our future?​





Ultimately, each session is intended is to empower any couple to have healthier, more fulfilling, conscious, intimate, erotic experiences ...and to live life from love. â€‹â€‹



​The Couple's Sacred Intimacy Experience Is Open

To All Men: Gay, bi, Str8 & Trans Men,

All Ages, All Bodies.

Partial Scholarship Available

For Gen Y, Z & Men

Of The Global Majority.


Video Chat Prior To A Session​​

Deposit Requested


©2024 Austino EROS

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