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What is
Sex Shaman?




Sex Shamans have existed across various civilizations at various points throughout time. Historically, they have always served society in times of crisis and catastrophe. They supported the healing of others: warriors, politicians, and everyday followers. 


In modern-day terms, they are often referred to as Sacred Intimates.​​​

Their Purpose & Perspective:


* Sacred Intimates live fully in this world but

are unbound by its collective norms. 


* For them, sex is more than a physical act;

sex is a merging of energies,

sex a joining of essences.

sex connects us to source,

sex helps us access our truth. 

* Sacred Intimates  support the healing of others

with the power of sexual energy and

their simple presence. 


* They teach through transmission and know the

true teachings arise from within.​

* Sacred Intimates remind others that

they are worthy of love.





The Goal


The primary goal of a sacred intimate is to cultivate a profound sense of connection, love, and spiritual growth within one's self. 


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