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Series Of Sessions

A series of sessions to support continued personal growth work.

(Intended as ongoing work after

the initial 2hr or 3hr session)





Sacred Intimacy  

Series Of Sessions


3 Sessions within 3 Months

90 minutes each, $600



Expand Your Capacity To Be Intimate

Address Additional Challenges

Work Through Shame & Guilt

Become Even More Uninhibited

Free & Self-Expressed 

Grow Confidence

Continue To Learn New Skills

Grow Into Your Ecstatic Potential

Enliven Your Body & Spirit

Claim Your Erotic Power



 Ongoing work is addressed with a combination of tantric and somatic therapies with a cognitive behavioral approach.


Client are held as resourceful and whole with the ability to apply changes to attain the desired long term results. 


Each sacred intimacy series is intended as a therapeutic experience to continue supporting your journey to wholeness.



Sacred Intimacy Series Is Open

To All Men: Gay, bi, Str8 & Trans Men,

All Ages, All Bodies.

Partial Scholarship Available

For Gen Y, Z & Men

Of The Global Majority.


Video Chat Prior To A Session​​

Full Payment Requested

Explore Working Together

Book A Free Zoom Call 



©2024 Austino EROS

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